Friday, December 11, 2009

The grand finale!

It's horrifying!
you see now, let me explain. On my last post, I recall posting the 420 Mascot, that's not a problem at all! I'm completly happy with my work, so I decided for my class in Advance drawing I would print it and frame it as my grand finale of a work! Excelent? You all wonder... NO! it was horrible. My profesor said I took it out of a porn magazine and just placed it there, adding colors and you could find it in any kind of mainstream mag, infact he dare say it was anime, which was not true! He was pissed at the fact that I was defending my work, with all the reasons at my side! because all he does is flame on the students work, and I didn't allow him this time flame on mine, so he ended up offending me, saying what am I doing in art university? That I have all the knowledge of the world and I should quit school. What an asshole? It doesn't end up there though, he just kept flaming my work as cliché, which isn't.
I am not beat down by him, at all! I am secure of my work. and very happy indeed. Case closed for tonight.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Shameless Promotion

It's always been irrevelant to try and portrait myself, but for once I don't mind. 420 Chan Mascot, I have done a fan art for sutch website which I simply adore click on the image for a full view.
No further explanation needed.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


This is how the joker represents itself on my mind.
It's a small sketch I made while I let my mind flow, now believe me, I would really love to see a woman dressed like this, but some fantasies don't come quickly. After finishing this, I want to make a small comic for fun, using this same technique, with alot more work on it, not this cheap, have to think up a story and what it's going to be like. I'm not making anything boring.

Well now, this other image is 420 Chan, our dear mascot. shameless promotion. It was taken from a picture of me and dressed up, its on progress, seems like alot of work to me.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Who doesn't like a work in progress kind of screenshot?

My curiosity to see how this blogging space works is killing me, so several of my works incoming.
For those who asked, The one on this picture is a friend, Marlon. Media Used; CS2 and wacom tablet.

CS2 Wacom Tablet
only a cropped version of the original.

CS2 Wacom Tablet.

I have decided.

Finally, I have decided to open up a blog. Considering I just can't stop lurking other people's blogs I had to open up my own, taking in mind I have nothing more interesting to share than a couple of words and some visual candy.

Now some people ask me to take a look at my work, but I don't really have anything presentable as in 'site' to show, of course I have a couple of portfolio books, but I'm not carrying those around, and they don't have most of my work, less likely a piece of my mind, so a great idea was born, a digital portfolio! Oh but there was this, I won't build up a site for something like that, I'm not a graphic designer first of, so why bother? thus I came to the slacker side of the internet world, a blog. But Why a blog? Isn't it supposed to be a hobby? Yes yes, your right, I think that when a person asks for your portfolio, you should always give them a piece of your mind!

Keeping it clean guys.